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Living must be

in the beauty




© 2017  «Дизайн от Тараса Ямщицкого».



Hello. My name is Marina, but for my loved ones I am Marusya. And now for you. You are now loved once.

 I am an Artist who tells you Stories about your feelings. And since feelings are a complex thing, I had to come up with my own special technique in order to talk about them. My paintings are full of color, decorative elements and you can look at them endlessly. You will unmistakably recognize them from thousands of paintings by other authors.

All my life, as far as I can remember, I have been drawing and painting, starting from early childhood. In 1995 I graduated from the Art and Graphic Faculty of Alma-Ata State University, Kazakhstan. It was not a very good time to be an Artist and for many years I had to paint "for the desk drawer", working not in my specialty. However, everything ends someday, and this bleak period of my life has passed. Since 2001, I have returned to active professional work. I participated in exhibitions in Alma-Ata, Moscow, Germany. Over the years, my paintings have become illustrations in print media in different countries, prints on the clothes of Kazakh designers, settled in various cities of Kazakhstan, Russia, England, America, Canada, Israel.

In 2018, I immigrated to Israel with my two kids. Now I live and tell my stories here, on the shores of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. I participate in numerous exhibitions, and my paintings invariably find positive feedback from viewers and buyers. Glad to welcome you in my space and I hope you will find YOUR story here.

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